Chain Reaction Podcast The CEO and Supply Chain Pro’s
In this episode of Chain Reaction – All about supply chain advantage Tony Hines draws attention to key business skills developed by supply chain professionals. The skills are transferrable and could take you on a journey to the 'C' Suite and even to CEO. Many people on the Board of retail and FMCG businesses have spent some time working in the supply chains of businesses where they cut their teeth. There are a number of notable CEO's with previous when it comes to supply chains including Tim Cook at Apple, Alan George Lafley at Proctor and Gamble, Tom Hayes at Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. and Mary T. Bara at General Motors.
Talent streaming from those with supply chain backgrounds is inevitable in today's business environment. Working in supply chain roles is most probably better for chances of becoming a business leader of the future than an MBA. It would of course be great to combine both so you could develop you professional skills in work complemented by an academic or professional qualification to recognise the talent formally.
Listen to the podcast to find out more.
Digital acceleration, cyber security risks, sustainability, cost effectiveness and fashion are also on this week’s agenda alongside the role and responsibilities of joining the ‘C’ suite and taking up a leadership role.
Remember to check out Tony Hines Blog where you will find an article entitled “Welcome to the 'C' Suite”.